Sunday, April 19, 2009

Christ is Risen!

Here's an update on the Lenten prayer cross.....on Easter Sunday the Sunday School children decorated it with streamers and signs made out of paper plates that said "He is Risen." I thought it looked so neat and the children got to celebrate in this way.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Lenten Prayer Cross

"Let our prayer rise before you as an offering to you."
From Psalm 141: Holden Evening Prayer

Every Lenten season for over twenty years we pull out the "old rugged cross" and set if up in the chancel area of the church. The cross has slits in it and during our Wednesday night Lenten vesper services we place prayers on the cross. We start with an empty cross on Ash Wednesday and during the time of offering we place our prayers in the slots on the cross. By this time in the season, it is overflowing with the prayers that have been lifted up.