I am struggling. I think I lead a very simple life. I don't shop much. I recycle, I reuse, and I refuse! However, my struggle is with getting rid of stuff that has accumulated over 40+ years in my home. Every time I try to get rid of stuff, more stuff shows up. Right now I have a roomful of stuff to get rid of and there's more to be added. Do I really need this? What if I get rid of it and next week or next month I do need it? If I find something that I've forgotten I owned, does that mean get rid of it even it it brings back memories of something long past?
Some people always have stuff from the past that can be put in the history books, or the museum, or their offspring's house. What if I have some of those things and I throw them out?
As you may guess, it's almost garage sale time.
Some people always have stuff from the past that can be put in the history books, or the museum, or their offspring's house. What if I have some of those things and I throw them out?
As you may guess, it's almost garage sale time.