August 11th.
We left Ferry Beach about 7:30 a.m. Liz drove me back to the train depot in Saco. The rain that had been predicted for a few days hit while I was waiting for the train, but stopped soon after I boarded. (Or maybe the train just moved away from it.)
The two hour trip back to Boston went pretty fast. I sat next to a woman from Paris, France, and we had a really nice discussion about how things are done there versus in the U.S. It was very interesting to hear about their child care and medical care programs.
After riding the subway in Boston back to the airport, I had time for a quick lunch before boarding the plane back to DFW. I must say a few words about Midwest Airlines. They are a really good airline. The crew is so friendly and hospitable. The seats are good sized and there is enough leg room, unlike some other airlines. And on each flight they serve two complimentary homemade (on the plane) warm chocolate chip cookies. Well, since I was on two flights today (Boston to Milwaukee and Milwaukee to DFW) I got to have four of those cookies. What more could you ask for?
Epilogue - August 12th
After the bike ride Monday and sitting all day yesterday on trains and planes, I was really stiff today. I am hoping tomorrow will be an improvement in my movement!
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Monday, August 10, 2009
Vacation - Part VI
August 10th -
Yesterday I found out about the bike rides. Ben is a biker who plans to do bike rides every day this week. I was sitting near him and his family at dinner and mentioned I would like to go, but didn't have a bike here. His wife, Erica, told me I could use her bike since she was working with the children's program today and wouldn't be riding.
There were six of us who showed up for the ride this morning. Everyone but me was an avid bike rider, so I knew I couldn't keep up with them. Ben took pity on me and sent the other four off on an 8-10 mile ride while he and I headed out for a 3 mile ride. When we finished the 3 miles, we decided to go around the loop again. Part way around we went into the state park thinking there was a short cut back to the road. There wasn't. So we rode back out the way we came and continued the ride. As we neared the end of the ride, we met up with the other four riders. They had ridden the 8 mile route and were just finishing up too. Ben had an odometer on his bike and it turned out that the two of us had gone 7 miles. I felt really good about that since I haven't ridden more than 2 miles in the last 9 months or so. I love bike riding and wish it wasn't so hot in Texas in the summer. I plan to ride more this fall.
Liz got off work at 2:30 and we drove up the coast to Freeport, Maine, and went to the LL Bean store. I just wanted to see it after all these years of looking a their catalogs. I bought a thermos bottle there. On the way back we stopped in Portland and ate dinner at one of Liz's favorite restaurants overlooking the water at a place where the ferry boats pick up passengers to take them to the various islands. We lingered over the meal and had a good amount of time to chat. Then back to Ferry Beach where we went to a get together for staff women who are over 50. Kinf of like the crone get togethers we had a Holden when I was there.
Yesterday I found out about the bike rides. Ben is a biker who plans to do bike rides every day this week. I was sitting near him and his family at dinner and mentioned I would like to go, but didn't have a bike here. His wife, Erica, told me I could use her bike since she was working with the children's program today and wouldn't be riding.
There were six of us who showed up for the ride this morning. Everyone but me was an avid bike rider, so I knew I couldn't keep up with them. Ben took pity on me and sent the other four off on an 8-10 mile ride while he and I headed out for a 3 mile ride. When we finished the 3 miles, we decided to go around the loop again. Part way around we went into the state park thinking there was a short cut back to the road. There wasn't. So we rode back out the way we came and continued the ride. As we neared the end of the ride, we met up with the other four riders. They had ridden the 8 mile route and were just finishing up too. Ben had an odometer on his bike and it turned out that the two of us had gone 7 miles. I felt really good about that since I haven't ridden more than 2 miles in the last 9 months or so. I love bike riding and wish it wasn't so hot in Texas in the summer. I plan to ride more this fall.
Liz got off work at 2:30 and we drove up the coast to Freeport, Maine, and went to the LL Bean store. I just wanted to see it after all these years of looking a their catalogs. I bought a thermos bottle there. On the way back we stopped in Portland and ate dinner at one of Liz's favorite restaurants overlooking the water at a place where the ferry boats pick up passengers to take them to the various islands. We lingered over the meal and had a good amount of time to chat. Then back to Ferry Beach where we went to a get together for staff women who are over 50. Kinf of like the crone get togethers we had a Holden when I was there.
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Vacation - Part V
August 8th -
This place is right on the beach. I got up early (as usual) and walked to the beach and sat in the sun reading. I also walked barefoot down the beach. The tide was out so the part of the beach that is covered with water later in the afternoon, was very walkable, almost like walking on a path. I had forgotten how neat beaches are. The sun was quite warm, but it was cool in the shade, almost too cool sometimes. Liz had to work all day and into the evening so I spent a lot of time sitting on the porch reading. This place reminds me a lot of Holden Village, except it isn't set apart from the rest of the community and you can drive into town in 10 minutes! What reminds of it though is the people. All greeting each other after a year or so, coming back to the place year after year - some have been coming for 30 years or more. Ferry Beach is over 100 years old so there is a lot of history here too.
The building called Quillen houses the summer registration office, a living room, and the dining hall on the first floor. I never did find out what is on the upper floors. the porch is a popular place to sit and talk or read.
Paula taking a picture along the shore near Kennybunkport
This place is right on the beach. I got up early (as usual) and walked to the beach and sat in the sun reading. I also walked barefoot down the beach. The tide was out so the part of the beach that is covered with water later in the afternoon, was very walkable, almost like walking on a path. I had forgotten how neat beaches are. The sun was quite warm, but it was cool in the shade, almost too cool sometimes. Liz had to work all day and into the evening so I spent a lot of time sitting on the porch reading. This place reminds me a lot of Holden Village, except it isn't set apart from the rest of the community and you can drive into town in 10 minutes! What reminds of it though is the people. All greeting each other after a year or so, coming back to the place year after year - some have been coming for 30 years or more. Ferry Beach is over 100 years old so there is a lot of history here too.
August 9th -
I attended the Sunday morning worship service which was held in the outdoor chapel. Liz played the piano for the service along with people playing guitars. Afterward we strolled through the memorial garden and then had refreshments in the camp ground. The camp ground is for those people who want to camp in tents or RV's.
I had another cousin visit today. This time it was Paula and her husband, Bob. They drove over from their home in Winchendon, MA to visit with me. We had lunch in the dining hall with a pastor who has a church in Winchendon, so they had a lot to talk about. After lunch we took a drive down the coast of Maine to Kennybunkport. Talk about a tourist town!!! There wasn't even room on the main street to get a car through the crowds of people!. We didn't stop there, but drove a little farther down the coast and back. We stopped once at the only place along the shore that we could find a place to park the car. Paula and I walked down on the shore and I took a few pictures--as usual.
I attended the Sunday morning worship service which was held in the outdoor chapel. Liz played the piano for the service along with people playing guitars. Afterward we strolled through the memorial garden and then had refreshments in the camp ground. The camp ground is for those people who want to camp in tents or RV's.
I had another cousin visit today. This time it was Paula and her husband, Bob. They drove over from their home in Winchendon, MA to visit with me. We had lunch in the dining hall with a pastor who has a church in Winchendon, so they had a lot to talk about. After lunch we took a drive down the coast of Maine to Kennybunkport. Talk about a tourist town!!! There wasn't even room on the main street to get a car through the crowds of people!. We didn't stop there, but drove a little farther down the coast and back. We stopped once at the only place along the shore that we could find a place to park the car. Paula and I walked down on the shore and I took a few pictures--as usual.
Friday, August 7, 2009
Vacation - Part IV
August 7th -
I left Green Bay at 4:30 a.m. in order to get to Milwaukee, turn in my rental car and make it to the airport for my flight to Boston.
When I made my reservations for this trip, I reserved a rental car from Enterprise in downtown Milwaukee because it was about 2 1/2 times cheaper than renting at the airport. I didn't know how I was going to get downtown until I got to the Milwaukee airport. I asked at the information desk and the kind woman told me I could take the city bus (number 80) which stopped right outside the terminal I was in. It was a 1/2 hour bus ride into town and I got off only two short blocks from the rental office. I was quite proud and happy about how this turned out.
It was a good thing I left Green Bay at 4:30 a.m. because I got a little lost on the way back. Both cousins, Gordon and Sharon, had told me that there was an exit for Wisconsin Ave from I-43. That wasn't so.....therefore I went too far. After finally getting off, turning around and then taking the wrong fork in the road on the way back, I did manage to make it back to the rental office right at 7:30 a.m. Enterprise took me back to the bus stop even though it was only two blocks! I managed to get on the right bus and got back to the airport by 8:30 for my 10:10 flight to Boston.
Once in Boston I again took public transportation, in this case the subway, to get to the Amtrak station to board the train to Maine. It was so easy. Within an hour after getting off the plane I was at the train depot. I hadn't known when I booked the trip just how much time it would take to get there, so I gave myself plenty of time. Therefore I had a three hour wait at the train depot before my train left for Maine.
I was met at the station in Saco by my friend Liz who is working at a Unitarian camp near there. We went out to eat dinner and caught up on each others lives since we last saw each other two years ago at Holden. I am staying at the camp/conference center where she is working for the summer.
I left Green Bay at 4:30 a.m. in order to get to Milwaukee, turn in my rental car and make it to the airport for my flight to Boston.
When I made my reservations for this trip, I reserved a rental car from Enterprise in downtown Milwaukee because it was about 2 1/2 times cheaper than renting at the airport. I didn't know how I was going to get downtown until I got to the Milwaukee airport. I asked at the information desk and the kind woman told me I could take the city bus (number 80) which stopped right outside the terminal I was in. It was a 1/2 hour bus ride into town and I got off only two short blocks from the rental office. I was quite proud and happy about how this turned out.
It was a good thing I left Green Bay at 4:30 a.m. because I got a little lost on the way back. Both cousins, Gordon and Sharon, had told me that there was an exit for Wisconsin Ave from I-43. That wasn't so.....therefore I went too far. After finally getting off, turning around and then taking the wrong fork in the road on the way back, I did manage to make it back to the rental office right at 7:30 a.m. Enterprise took me back to the bus stop even though it was only two blocks! I managed to get on the right bus and got back to the airport by 8:30 for my 10:10 flight to Boston.
Once in Boston I again took public transportation, in this case the subway, to get to the Amtrak station to board the train to Maine. It was so easy. Within an hour after getting off the plane I was at the train depot. I hadn't known when I booked the trip just how much time it would take to get there, so I gave myself plenty of time. Therefore I had a three hour wait at the train depot before my train left for Maine.
I was met at the station in Saco by my friend Liz who is working at a Unitarian camp near there. We went out to eat dinner and caught up on each others lives since we last saw each other two years ago at Holden. I am staying at the camp/conference center where she is working for the summer.
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Vacation - Part III
August 4th -
I left Janesville for Green Bay shortly after another of Barb's wonderful breakfasts. I have two cousins living here, Sharon and Audrey. I am staying with Sharon in her beautiful condo. Tonight Audrey had us over to her apartment for dinner. It is getting really hard to stay on my diet on this trip, so I guess I'll just give up on it for the duration.
August 5th -
Sharon, Audrey and I drove to Marinette to visit another cousin, Karen. The four of us then drove to Menominee, Michigan, for lunch. We walked along the dock of the marina where there were gobs of huge sailboats. Can't figure out how so many people can afford this kind of living.
Here are the four cousins having lunch on the porch of a small restaurant in Menominee.
August 6th -
Today we drove around Marinette looking at the town. A short distance out of the city limits is this house that my father built back in 1940, shortly before I was born. It was a farmhouse then with more land around it. I understand we even had a cow at that time. I didn't live there very long as we moved into town and lived there for awhile before moving to Milwaukee.
I certainly don't remember living here, of course. But it was really fun to see the place. I have been collecting pictures of all the houses I have lived in in my lifetime. It's really fun to see them. I am thinking of making a collage or something of them in the future.
Tonight Sharon and I went to a concert on the lawn of the botanical garden in Green Bay. I see all the gorgeous flowers and wish I could have just a little piece of beauty like that in my yard at home. There was a big full moon tonight too and that added to the lovely surroundings and mood of the evening.
I left Janesville for Green Bay shortly after another of Barb's wonderful breakfasts. I have two cousins living here, Sharon and Audrey. I am staying with Sharon in her beautiful condo. Tonight Audrey had us over to her apartment for dinner. It is getting really hard to stay on my diet on this trip, so I guess I'll just give up on it for the duration.
August 5th -
Sharon, Audrey and I drove to Marinette to visit another cousin, Karen. The four of us then drove to Menominee, Michigan, for lunch. We walked along the dock of the marina where there were gobs of huge sailboats. Can't figure out how so many people can afford this kind of living.
August 6th -
Today we drove around Marinette looking at the town. A short distance out of the city limits is this house that my father built back in 1940, shortly before I was born. It was a farmhouse then with more land around it. I understand we even had a cow at that time. I didn't live there very long as we moved into town and lived there for awhile before moving to Milwaukee.
I certainly don't remember living here, of course. But it was really fun to see the place. I have been collecting pictures of all the houses I have lived in in my lifetime. It's really fun to see them. I am thinking of making a collage or something of them in the future.
Tonight Sharon and I went to a concert on the lawn of the botanical garden in Green Bay. I see all the gorgeous flowers and wish I could have just a little piece of beauty like that in my yard at home. There was a big full moon tonight too and that added to the lovely surroundings and mood of the evening.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Vacation - Part II
After lunch on Sunday, I drove to Janesville to visit my cousin, Gordon, and his wife, Barb. I had not seen them for several years and had never been to their home.

Gordon has a really cool garden train set up. There are several trains that go around the different tracks. The tracks go all over the back yard (they live in a wooded area just outside of town). It is just an amazing thing to see, especially if you like trains (I do!) I took quite a few picture of it, of course.
Here one of the trains is going over a tressel he built in the yard. There are many interesting items in the yard, such as a box car with a couple of hobos playing "oh Susanna", a frustrated sounding elephant roaring in the circus train, a bear standing on top of one of the caves that the train goes through. At night the trains go into the round house. The trains are taken into the basement in winter, but the track stays out year around.
On Monday, after a scrumptious breakfast, we went to the botanical gardens in Janesville. This was a really gorgeous place and so many flowers were blooming.

They had benches around the gardens with nature/environmental sayings carved into them. I was really enthralled and took picture of some of them. Here is one of them. At the gift store Gordon found a book with all the saying it in and he bought it for me. Now I don't need the pictures.
Gordon has a really cool garden train set up. There are several trains that go around the different tracks. The tracks go all over the back yard (they live in a wooded area just outside of town). It is just an amazing thing to see, especially if you like trains (I do!) I took quite a few picture of it, of course.
On Monday, after a scrumptious breakfast, we went to the botanical gardens in Janesville. This was a really gorgeous place and so many flowers were blooming.
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Vacation - Part I
I flew to Milwaukee on Thursday, rented a car and drove to West Bend where Jeanne lives with her husband, Jim. On Friday we went to Hartford (the old home town) and had lunch with another high school friend, Irene. I hadn't seen Irene in 45 years. We had a wonderful visit.
Jeanne and Jim volunteer at a retirement home residence on a beautiful lake setting. On Saturday, we went there and walked on some trails and then sat by the lake and talked for an hour. That night was the reunion. (It turned out to be more fun that I expected!) I wish I had a 50 year old picture to add to this, but I'm not too hip on scanning, etc. Being together with our class of 50 years ago was quite interesting.
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