Saturday, October 24, 2009

The Old Bag!

I have this old clothespin bag. When I moved into my house 38 years ago, it was here - left behind by the former owners. Since they were the original owners and the house was nine years old when I moved in, this poor bag could be anywhere from 39 to 47 years old.

This bag has been here all this time. I have used it all this time. I have never liked the design or colors on the fabric. Why is it still here? Because I love this bag. I love the way it hangs over the clothesline, the way the clothespins sound when I drop them into it, the way it relaxes in the laundry basket as I carry it in or out of the house. This clothespin bag and I have grown old together. I have not used this bag faithfully over the years as I have used a dryer most of the time. I have, however, used it during certain seasons of the year, mostly fall and winter. I have not used my dryer for over a year. I vowed that I would do my part for the environment by not drying my clothes in a dryer. And I haven't. So the clothespin bag and I trek out to the back yard every Saturday morning (if it's not raining) and hang my clothes on the clothesline. The poor clothespin bag is falling apart after all these years. I am going to try to repair it and see how much longer it will last. Why am I doing this? Good question. For some reason when something is that old, I want to keep it. Maybe I want to see how much longer it will last. I have been watching it go downhill now for several years, and have planned to make repairs. It's at the point now where I will have to either repair it or toss it. I choose to repair it if I can. It is strange, but I just want to keep the old bag!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Two Weeks at Holden

Flowers still bloom in the flower boxes while snow falls on the mountain tops

I just returned from spending two glorious weeks at Holden.
A time to enjoy
sunshine, blue skies,
cool days and cooler nights,
starry skies, full moon.
A time to be with old friends and meet new ones.
A time to work, time to relax.
A time to attend sessions.
A time to watch "Fellowship of the Rings" again.
A time to ride my bike alone and with friends.
A time to share hopes and dreams.