Sunday, June 1, 2008

Prom Night

Clowns, elephants, a tattooed lady, bearded ladies, acrobats, jugglers, leopards, tightrope walkers, the Big Top. . . .
What do these have in common? They all escaped from the circus and turned up at the Holden High School prom on Saturday night.

In true Holdenesque fashion the theme for the prom was "Circus Escapees at a Rave" and was attended by circus performers of all kinds. At Holden the high school prom is a village-wide event - a big celebration attended by staff and guests alike. The Village Center was decorated to look like a circus tent, everyone made good use of the costume shop, and the result was a good time for all.

When was the last time you were at a high school prom? Bet it wasn't anything like this!

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