you can see forever! However it was anything but clear when I left Butte this morning. The fog was so dense I had trouble seeing what was ahead of me. I drove from Butte to Bozeman (about 85 miles) in this fog. It was like being in a blinding rainstorm in Dallas or a blinding snowstorm on Stevens Pass. Needless to say, it was quite stressful.
The rest of the drive to Sheridan was uneventful. I must say though that the drive through Montana is breathtaking. Even after the evergreens were behind me, the rolling hills and treeless mountains were so beautiful. At one point the low clouds settled below the snow capped mountain peaks making it look like they were floating in the sky. (I would have liked to have taken a picture, but I was still driving 70 mph.) I have driven this route a few times in the past and always am amazed at the beauty of the state.
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