Saturday, January 17, 2009


I haven't posted in awhile but I kinda doubt anyone is reading this anymore anyway. But I did want to update it with what I have been doing (beside working). Oops, that was a wrong way to start because I don't do a lot besides working!

One thing I started doing was volunteering to help sign up children for the Texas CHIP (Children's Health Insurance Program) program. It is an interesting process. So far I have been to a training meeting and this morning went for the first time to actually interact with the people who are signing up. I mainly watched and listened to the pros and helped pass out paperwork. I think I am learning what to ask and how to tell them to fill out the application. It is interesting. The only qualifications besides the low income is that the children are either citizens or legal aliens and have social security cards. It doesn't matter if the parents are or not. The information is not shared with other agencies. Richardson is a very diverse community, culture wise, and we had several different nationalities applying this morning.

Another thing I am getting involved in is the Stewardship Program at my church. I have been interested in doing more with the program, which traditionally focuses on getting pledges of money. I am going to try to expand it as, to me, stewardship involves much more than money. I hope to involve health, wellness, time management, natural resources (the environment), as well as how we use our money. I have just finished reading a real good book called "Faith and Money" edited by Michael Schut that really brings up so many things I have thought about for years. (I love it when I find something that backs up my beliefs.) I have been toying with the idea of setting up a blog for church members to read. I will have to see how that will work out and let you know.


Joan Neslund said...

What wonderful activities to do. We are nearly 1/2 way through our stay and I too am beginning to think of ways to get simpler more involved with my community.

lwise said...

I check your blog frequently and was happy to see a new entry. I hope you will continue to keep a blog.

Debbie said...

Gail ... this is great. I too look for updates regularly. The child health program you are working on is so very important and we need to keep getting kids involved. As for the stewardship ... our church didn't do a program this year... but we got the same number of pledge cards! We have deferred to spring ... focusing on stewardship of health, time, and resources! I haven't read the book you mentioned but have heard of him.

Hope you are well

Laura said...

Gail, I really like your idea of stewardship. Good for you! And you are really making a difference in helping those kids get health insurance. Bless you! We really miss you here in the village.
But it is so good that you are taking that Holden Village spirit and bringing it out to the larger world.

Ang said...

Gail it is fun to catch up with you this way. I love how you are investing in your community and your thinking on the bible! What a confusing book that is. I am impressed by your commitment to it.

Ang said...

Gail it is fun to catch up with you this way. I love how you are investing in your community and your thinking on the bible! What a confusing book that is. I am impressed by your commitment to it.