The weather has been beautiful this week, inspiring me to pump up my bike tires and ride to work. I have had this bike since the mid-eighties. It still works fine. The dent in the back fender came from the garage door coming down on it a few years back.

Inspired by my friend Wanda's pictures taken on a ride down the road to Lucerne from Holden, I grabbed my camera on the way out the door the other day. I liked her shadow picture, so took one of my own. Whereas she took hers while riding, I actually stopped to take mine. I'm not so brave!

I pass this tree a couple of blocks from home. This is the real reason I took my camera. The morning sun shining on this tree turns it to a bright burnt orange. I am in awe every morning as I pass by. I wanted to preserve it before it's too late. Rain is predicted early next week and the leaves may be gone after that. I may never have paid attention to such a beautiful sight while driving a car.
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